
How to solve error TriggerScope: A bookmark with the name TriggerToggleBookmark_ already exists in UiPath Studio

TriggerScope: A bookmark with the name ‘TriggerToggleBookmark_93a9ffd2-7522-4a94-bb5d-4b1616c15aaa’ already exists.

This error means that you have two or more trigger activities in your workflow sharing the same Trigger ID. This can happen when copy pasting activities from one workflow to another, or duplicating workflow files.

The Trigger ID is an Advanced option which is available on all trigger activities.

How to fix the error

The solution is simple:

  1. Identify the triggers having the duplicate Trigger IDs
  2. Change the Trigger ID to something unique

Note: the generated Trigger IDs have a Guid format, but that is in fact not a requirement. The Trigger ID is a simple string and the only constraint is that it cannot contain semicolon characters. So you are free to set your Trigger ID to ‘george’ if you want to.

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